Go Crazy - No One Is Paying Attention

There is that crazy thing you’ve always wanted to do. You know exactly what I am talking about. It is the first thing that just came to mind reading that sentence. It has been a “some day” thing for a long time. Guess what? Today is that some day if you decide that it is. Today is so much better than 100 days ago. The world is in absolute upheaval and you’ve never had a better chance to do the thing that you’ve wanted to do than right now. Everyone is so focused on putting their own world back together they aren’t paying attention to anyone else but themselves and the things that are unquestionably the top priority for themselves right now.
If you’ve ever had a hunch to go crazy - do it now before everyone starts paying attention again.
People are seeing crazy things every day and in every sphere of their life. If by chance they see you doing something crazy, it will look normal to them compared to everything else that is happening right now. But that window to go nuts and chase the purple banana is closing.
Don’t let the elevator bring you down!
This is one of my favorite examples of what I am talking about. Watch this trick play that a middle school team did with their quarterback:
Everything looks like it set up as normal but then the quarterback draws attention to himself and the defense reacts in kind, getting out of position themselves. He then boldly makes a move that starts the play, but no one else on his side reacts and the ploy is off to a good start. Then comes the wild moment where without hesitation he starts walking past defensive players whose only job in the game is to not let him move forward at all, but they are so confused, he gets away with it. Then comes the moment that we are all working towards, the breakthrough. He gets just far enough to know he can make a run for the end zone and takes off, letting everyone know that things aren’t how they are supposed to be, but he’s far enough through, that he gets away with it.
That is where we are right now. We’ve all settled into a new pattern and a new set of habits over the past 100 days. We are seeing others less frequently and we hopefully have created patterns with our time and interactions that have created efficiencies that we can lean into. That is the space where you can move the ball down the field and even though people might notice your making a move, they won’t know how bold of a move it is until you’re already past where they can stop your momentum and you can break free!