Make Room For April

I am not sure I've ever been so excited to move on from a month to the next one. March felt like an eternity and I am so happy it is April. The blooms in the #NotSoSecretGarden are starting to appear, the first brisket has been smoked, and I'm officially wearing shorts to take Hudson for a walk each morning - even if it is still in the 30s to start a couple of the past days - I'm wearing shorts in protest and getting head nods from others ready for warmer weather.

One of my favorite parts of living in New York City is experiencing all four seasons. Growing up in Texas, we only had two seasons: summer and not-summer. When I moved to NYC thirteen years ago, one of the biggest snowfalls in history happened three weeks after I arrived, almost welcoming me and saying, "Okay Texas boy, you ready for this?"

Every season arrives just when it is needed and leaves just when it is no longer welcome. And there is nothing we can do about it. We just learn to live each day as it comes.

But how true is that in the seasons of our life also? No matter how rough the winters might be, they're followed by a spring season of new beginnings. No matter how hot the summers might get, they're followed by an autumn season of cooling down and letting some things go that we don't need to carry with us anymore.

I hope that whatever season you find yourself in right now you'll know that it is right where you are supposed to be. You are equipped for this moment right now. But also know, that this too shall pass. Mountain peaks are often followed by deep valleys. But deep valleys lead us to the next ascent and it is all a part of the journey.

Feedback I'm Looking For

I posed this question to each of my social networks last week.

Between Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, I got over 40 different suggestions! I had read a few of them, and have a few unread on my shelf, but I am pumped to have this repository of books now. When I was typing up my list, I also paid attention to the books that got multiple suggestions. They were:

  • The Untethered Soul by Michael A. Singer
  • The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck by Mark Manson
  • When Things Fall Apart by Pema Chödrön
  • Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert

So I'd love to ask you the same question: what book do you recommend for people who are looking to unlock more of their true self?

Blog I'm Happy I Wrote

Golden Buzzers FTW

With both American Idol and The Voice in full swing and America's Got Talent Allstars just finishing, I finally asked myself the question, "Why do I love talent shows so much?" I was surprised by my answer once I broke it down. Is it just me?

Quote I'm Thinking About

“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world.
Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.” — Rumi

Opportunity I'm Excited To Share

There is nothing quite like saying yes to doing something new. A new job, a new role, a career - It is exciting and terrifying all at the same time.

And then sometimes you know you need to do something new. You've stayed longer than you should have and you know it is time to leave. But for whatever reason, you aren't quite ready to jump and need a little encouragement.

If you are in either category and you'd like a little help in making your next move, I hope you'll consider joining the Something New cohort I'm hosting starting in May. We already have full and I am thrilled with the amazing professionals that are joining us.

If you want to hear more about it, shoot me a note:

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