Make Room For Mid-May

I love women. I always have. I have the best Mom. I have the most amazing sister. I have grown up with some of the most amazing female friends.  I have the most incredible unicorn-of-a-human wife. I hope one day to be a girl-dad.

And I am constantly underwhelmed by the acknowledgment that these women I know receive for all the magical and amazing things they do. I am so glad that days like Mothers' Day exist, but I also so wish that these amazing women got to hear the truth of how epic their impact is more frequently than once a year on a made-up holiday backed by the Hallmark lobbying group.

I hope you acknowledged the amazing women and mothers in your life over the weekend and if you are a woman and/or mother, you got some well-deserved appreciation. And if you didn't, drop me a note so I can ping the people in your life and remind them that they had their chance and they need to try harder!

Quote To Consider

"It's not how deep you go, it's how you go deep." - Dr. Ida Rolf

Powerful Video That You Need To See

Conversations That Made Me Smile

During last week's Make Room office hours, I got the chance to hear about members doing some incredible things happening in their life. One of our members has solved on-premises AI which would be the first HIPPA-approved platform for medical records and hospital administrations. They're looking for people from the medical industry that would be interested in speaking about a pilot program. Is that you? Do you know someone that could be a great brainstorm partner for them?

I also spoke with one of my favorite marketers, a professional I've admired for a decade plus, and found out they are opening up their consultancy this month. They have some amazing launch clients, but a few spots open on their roster. If you or someone you know needs the influence from a CMO you probably can't afford, it's an approachable option for you. For now at least.

If you'd like to join our growing paid member community and take part in monthly Office Hours or our all Member Meet-Up, we'd love to have you.

Getting Personal

Blog I Wrote That Might Be Something Bigger

"...I didn't know that my knife wasn't sharp. But it was the sharpest knife I'd ever owned. I'd felt pride when I purchased it... It was the sharpest knife I'd ever used, but it wasn't actually sharp in comparison to my cohost's knife. It was downright dull in comparison. The sharpest thing I knew wasn't that sharp.

And that is what I am learning it feels like for so many people when they get outside of the town or community where they grew up. The biggest house isn't so big. The most successful person isn't so successful. The best bite of food is no longer in their top ten culinary experiences. Their understanding of what is possible in this life is expanded and so is the drive to unlock their subsequent discovery of possibility...."


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