Make Room For Missing It

Hi there! Long time no see!
After 100 weeks in a row, I took a little break from writing this newsletter to ensure I still had something to say.
After four years of curating ideas here, I wanted to make sure it wasn't just another self-aggrandizing project without something truly to say.
Turns out I missed it.
I missed the discipline of distilling what I have learned over the past week and having the privilege of sharing it with you. Thank you for continuing to let me access the holy sanctum of your inbox all these weeks later.
But sometimes, when you haven't seen something for a little while, you miss it a little more.
For me, the best part of leaving NYC is returning.
There is nothing better than when you're seated on the ABC side of a plane in the window seat and the plane drops from the clouds coming up the East Side River on descent to LGA and you get a fly-by at sunset of the best skyline in the world.
This summer, my wife's 2nd-anniversary necklace clasp broke and I took it to get fixed. It has only been a little while, but when we got it back, it was as if I'd given it to her all over again!
Sometimes, you have to Make Room To Miss It.
And sometimes, when you take some time away from doing the thing that you have been doing for a really long time, you realize that you were in perpetual motion and that you actually don't want to bring it back at all.
You didn't miss it.
You didn't want to go back to it.
And that is okay, too.
"Via Negativa" is a philosophy from a now obscure teacher I used to admire. The idea is that you grow through what you take away as much as through what you add.
By breaking the cycle, you realize you no longer need or want that thing in your world. Or you realize you can't live without it.
So, I hope you'll welcome Make Room back into your inboxes after a brief one-month hiatus. I have some new work that I am excited to share and hope you'll be as excited as I am to see it.
Happy October! The rest of the year is about to get weird.
Quote I Am Thinking A Lot About
This is from the end last week's Hidden Forces Podcast about Financial Markets and the AI Revolution with Adam Butler from Resolve Asset Management.
"I think finite games are most of the actual things we call games, so the football match or chess game or what have you, where the objective is to reach the conclusion as a winner or loser, and there is a winner or loser to every game. We've engineered our society and our economy around a scarcity model. What is the purported objective of a free market? It's to efficiently allocate scarce resources. Well, I think very soon we're going to live in a world of abundant resources, and we're still playing by the rules of finite games, which means that the people that are competing, they're competing in a game where there's winners and losers. I think that's highly constructive. I would love, after we go through whatever hardship is required in order for us to learn the lessons of what type of society we need to build once we move on from this one, that we are playing infinite games, and the objective of an infinite game is to improve the quality of gameplay."
Concert I Was Lucky Enough To Attend
I have shared my obsession with what the artist FRED AGAIN can do, but had the chance to see him live last week.
I googled mid-concert: "Is FRED AGAIN a fraud?"
That is how good he is. It doesn't seem possible for one person to make music like this and make you feel what it does.
I liked it so much I waited in line to buy concert swag.
I don't like waiting in line.
I never buy concert swag.
That's how good it was.
Best Meal I've Had (in my home!)

I had the incredible privilege of cooking along side Gabe Erales - Season 18 Winner of Top Chef! We made a 7 course dinner for 16 people. Click through the pics HERE to see the inventive Yucatan cuisine Chef Gabe created!
We are doing it again soon in NYC. Do you want to come? Email me to let me know.
Conversation Worth Watching Start To Finish
The All-In Podcast crew curated some amazing guests at their conference. But this conversation was next level.
I ordered four books mentioned in this conversation that have been spectacular.
Did you miss this?
I missed you.