Make Room For Shower Epiphanies
Do you ever wonder why the best ideas seem to strike you in the most unexpected places? Maybe it's in the shower, on an airplane, or during a long road trip. For me, it's often when I'm intentionally doing something else that the moment of genius occurs.
While many have written about the value of letting your mind wander during the creative process, I've been contemplating whether genius can strike with some level of consistency. Can we train ourselves to have breakthrough moments more often?
I don't have all the answers, but here's my checklist for increasing the odds of having a stroke of genius:
- A clearly defined problem worth solving.
- Understanding what a successful solution would look like.
- Multiple failed attempts at unlocking the secret.
- An expectation that you are capable of finding the answer.
In my experience, there's always an element of surprise in the discoveries I make. But looking back, there's also a certain amount of work I've done toward solving that problem long before the answer made itself known. The expectation of finding an answer is key to actually finding one.
I was recently on a board call for a nonprofit I support and the founder shared some challenging news about the loss of a big donor and the fundraising shortfall that was now at hand. The first reaction seen on the faces of the Zoom attending board members was that of overwhelm by the size of that deficit. But then there was the acknowledgment of the new challenge ahead and a resolve in the way they spoke to the founder that very much conveyed the expectation that this problem would be solved. The turning point of expecting to find a solution was the first step toward the actual discovery of one.
So, what problem are you committed to solving? Besides your shower, where do you do your best thinking these days? Share your thoughts and let's help each other have more moments of genius.
Reminder We All Need
"One of the great balancing acts in life is to be cautious and daring at the same time. Cautious enough to avoid stupid mistakes, prevent burnout, and maintain a margin of safety.
Daring enough to bet on yourself, to do the things you would regret leaving undone, and to be willing to be uncomfortable in the short term so you can learn and grow in the long term. - James Clear
(Thank you to my daring wife Maddie for sending this my direction this week)
Podcast I Loved Being A Part Of
The story we tell ourselves about ourselves is one of the most important factors in the stories we tell others about the world we live in and how we move through it. In this quick podcast clip, I share why vulnerability around your own story is one of the most defiant things you can do in the future to stand out.

Quote I'd Give To My Younger Self
"No one wants to burn out but everybody’s living like they’re on fire" - Brene Brown
Podcast That Led Me To Preorder A Book
I've been saying for a few years that I believe religion is going to make a comeback. Not spirituality, but organized religion. This podcast made me even more sure of that hunch. And caused me to preorder the guest's book: Self-Made: Creating Our Identities from Da Vinci to the Kardashians
Comedy Special You Should Watch With Your Former Youth Pastor
If you ever set foot in a youth group at your local church in the 1990s, this comedy special might give you PTSD. If you are looking for ammo to take to your next therapy appointment, this will definitely bring up some memories you had suppressed.
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