Make Room For Truth
The Secret Service was founded originally in the middle of the Civil War to fight back against the counterfeiting operations of the Confederate army. They were printing fake bills and distributing them in the North. The Germans tried to do the same in WWII to destabilize the US Dollar globally.
The Secret Service remains the authority on counterfeit money detection and deterrence. When joining this team, the training they undergo is intense. In the full scope of training to be able to spot a counterfeit the majority of the time is not spent looking at fake money or examples of counterfeits. It is spent looking at the real thing.
The agents study watermarks that are imprinted into the paper, small images that are embedded into the fibers, how optical varying ink shows up in each bill, and where each element of microprinting resides. They study and are quizzed on the sequence of serial numbers and their association with which the regional Federal Reserve Bank.
They don't study the fake bills. They study the real thing.
They don't study the lie. They study the truth.
The more familiar they are with the real thing, the closer they are to the truth, the easier it is to detect the fake, to spot the lie.
I am convinced that this is going to be one of the most important skills for any of us to have in the coming decade. Knowing the truth, knowing your truth is now how you win on the battlefield of souls. And as such, finding mindsets, habits, and ways to practice knowing your truth is going to be an essential part of any successful life in the near future.
It is part of the reason I am so passionate right now about encouraging people to build a journaling practice into their life.
You are the real thing that you should be studying in order to know your truth.
There are countless counterfeit versions of you that flash through your mind on a daily basis. But in those moments of clarity, those moments when you really know who you really are, you can spot the fakes with confidence and certainty.
I created the 30 Day Leadership Journaling Challenge with help from all of you who filled out the journaling survey I sent out two weeks ago! I've included my cheat codes for getting started with your journaling habit and 30 days of prompts that I hope you can use to build this habit and get to know your own truth even better than you do right now. Please feel free to share it with anyone else you think would benefit from starting or deepening their understanding of self.
Trip I Can't Wait To Take Again
Last month, my wife and I had the chance to be the beta testers for a new Culinary Toursim trip to the Yucatan Pennisula of Mexico. Hosted by the local leaders and community of Hands Offering Hope, a nonprofit I have been involved with since 2015 and now serve on the board of, we were immersed in local cuisine, tradition, and experiences that money can't buy. Our Culinary Institute officially has received accreditation, the first and only of its kind in this part of Mexico. Our students were incredible hosts and gave us the life long gift of recipes and flavor combinations that even last night my wife and I added just enough habenero to our steak and salad to remind us of our time at Casa Hope. If you're ever curious about discovering the next Tulum (no really, this island is what Tulum used to be) and supporting a great cause in the process, please let me know. We'll be returning again later this year and would love to invite more people to experience the magic of the region and the hospitality of our team.
Thought That Deserves More Consideration
Organizations move at the speed of trust. Urgency without trust is scary and threatening. Urgency with trust is exciting and full of possibility.
— Edward Sullivan (@edwardlsullivan) April 21, 2023
Truth I've Grown To Embrace
I would have been a better founder if I'd had an Executive Coach earlier in my career. On this week's YouTube video, I break down the lessons that I've learned about leadership as a Coach that would have helped me be a better founder.
If you haven't already, there is still room to subscribe on YouTube. But only if you want to join the fun. 🚀
Make Room Members In May
Wanna hangout, riff on a new idea, catch up on old times, or get some coaching about something happening in your life? Book some time during Member Office Hours. Last month I had individual conversations about divorce, imposter syndrome, new funding rounds, and getting tickets to the Jimmy Fallon show.
Wanna meet some of the most interesting people in the world with a curiosity that rivals your own? Jump on our all paid-member meet up this month. Last month, two members who'd never met each other took us on an increidble retrospective of their careers and why each of them care so much about the work they do and the path they've chosen.
Whatever you are doing this week, I hope that you'll stop for a moment and think about your truth. It is something that gets lost in the shuffle frequently and something that we ascribe far less value to than we should. May I suggest that we work together to collectively reverse that trend? I hope you'll join me in these early stages of revolution.
It's only getting crazier from here.
Make Room For Many,
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