Make Room For What You Were Gonna Do Anyway

As our screens and inboxes are flooded with countless people's opinions all day, every day, there's an increasing belief that someone has figured out the right way to do something, and therefore it must be the way that you do that thing as well. For example, just this week, I've been told

  • What morning routine I need to be successful.
  • What scheduling tips it takes to be a billionaire.
  • The correct emailing cadence to close the deal 100% of the time.
  • How to build this newsletter faster.
  • How to get 100,000 followers on Instagram.
  • Why I'm destined to be a best selling author.

While the person sharing those ideas might have done those things, I think with a little investigation, they're likely overselling it, and a lot of those things were things that they were just predisposed to do. It just happened that their zone of genius was very useful for the trends of the past few years.

But whenever a treasure map is for sale, the treasure is no longer there.

The only treasure that will always be there and will always be worth searching for is the treasure of finding success your way. No one else in the world can beat you to it. And that success lies in knowing yourself so well that you find being yourself to be the competitive advantage that no ones else has.