The Art and Science of Hustle: Year One

This post was originally published on January 11, 2013 on
A year ago today I wrote my first post for Forbes as a Contributor on The Art and Science of Hustle. Since then, I have posted 2-3 times a month and have been truly honored and fascinated by the response I've received. Some posts that I thought would do well flopped and other posts that I was less committed to turned out to be run away successes and the source of some incredible feedback and engagement. Here are the Top Ten posts from my first year:
1. Why I Only Carry One Business Card
2. Going Viral For Something You Didn't Do
3. How To Make The Perfect Email Introduction
4. Top Five Reasons Not To Check Your Phone At Dinner Tonight
5. The Dream Team: Hipster, Hacker, and Hustler
6. The Only Three People You Need To Know At A Dinner Party
8. If You're On Time, You're Late
9. The $98,000,000 Contract Inked On An iPad
10. The Hipster Effect And Your Career
All told I've seen over 215,000 pages views on the 30 posts from this past year and I am looking forward to another great year ahead. I am really working on upping my game and making sure that the thoughts and ideas I share are of interest and timely to anyone kind enough to give them a read. I would love any and all feedback on what topics you would like to see me dig into in the future.
Have any thoughts? Comment below.
Thanks and here's to another awesome year exploring The Art and Science of Hustle.